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Manchester’s Property Hub to Work Towards Gaining Planning Permission to Build 250 Home Estate in Beeston

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Nabeel Mussarat and his development company Property Hub are now setting their sights on a huge development project in a rural area of Beeston, Cheshire. The untouched location has played host to an array of interest over the years, with the company now having completed on the site and are looking to attain planning permission for 250 new homes. With an area of land that spans 25 acres, the aim is to gain planning permission and then start the busy job of building the new homes over the course of the next few years.

The site has held countryside status as of recent, but the area has had a long and dutiful history that peaked with its use as a transit and fuel hub in World War II. The actual location of the proposed estate used to be home to underground bunkers, and the local Beeston area is laden with underground catacombs that were used for storing fuel tanks that were used for distributing aviation fuel from the main western seaports to major RAF strongholds in the Midlands, South, and East of England.

In Tarporley, where the site is located, no development plans have ever been allocated so it currently has open countryside designation. There is a normal presumption against the development of the land as reinforced by the Beeston Neighbourhood Plan which also suggests any new development outside ‘identified settlements’ should be restricted to an ‘appropriate’ scale. Property Hub remains hopeful that in the face of this they can gain the planning permission they require, especially when considering that planning permission for new houses has been granted by Cheshire West council for the areas immediately to the South and West of the site.

Mr. Mussarat aims to submit planning permission for the proposed 250 homes that will be built as part of a new housing estate, with 40 of the homes being used for affordable housing. Property Hub then aims to work closely with the Cheshire West council to gain planning permission to build the estate whilst still retaining the local rural charm, with a projected GDV of £75 million.

“The proposed Beeston development we have in the works lays the groundwork for a secure new network of housing for the local area. With the additional housing plans that are going on in the surrounding areas concurrent to ours, it ensures that the Tarporley area of Beeston continues to offer security akin to how it did during the war” – Nabeel Mussarat