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Schengen Visa Processing Time for Travel to Germany Cut to 8 Weeks

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The time it takes to process a Schengen visa for traveling to Germany has been significantly reduced to just eight weeks, and there are ongoing efforts to make it even faster, according to Georg Enzweiler, Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy. He mentioned this during an update on Wednesday.

Enzweiler emphasized the importance of visas and expressed the Embassy’s dedication to improving application processing times. He acknowledged that while they wish to make the changes swiftly, bureaucratic processes can slow things down. To address this, they have taken various steps, including a substantial increase in staff in Mumbai. As a result, waiting times have notably decreased.

Previously, delays in visa processing had been discouraging for those planning trips to Europe. The German Embassy had issued an advisory in April, noting the extended waiting times due to a surge in demand for Schengen visas. They urged travelers to schedule appointments with their external service provider, VFS, well in advance.

Enzweiler clarified that the processing time for a Schengen visa begins once the application reaches the Consulate, and this might take up to six working days depending on delivery conditions and holidays. He recommended accounting for these potential delays when planning travel, especially if the departure date is imminent or within two weeks of the application date. He added that neither the German mission nor the service provider can expedite the process or accommodate requests for preferential treatment.

New data from the German National Tourist Board revealed that in 2022, Indian tourists spent more than 6.23 lakh nights in Germany, marking a 209 percent increase compared to the previous year. However, this number was still at 65 percent of the levels before the pandemic.

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